I want to thank all of you who have helped me through my greatest trial yet! Going through this Annulment with Danny has not been the easiest thing for me and still is not easy! I hope and pray that everything will get better not only for me but for Danny as well. I hope that he can make things right and get back on the right road! I don't want everyone thinking bad things about him even though he wasn't the husband that I thought he was gonna be, and didn't always treat me the way I should have been treated. He is still a great guy! He just wasn't ready to be married or take care of a family yet. Even through all the bad times we did have some good times together which I will always remember!
I am grateful for my loving mother who has been by my side every step of the way! I don't think I could have gotten through this without her! I am thankful for all the nights she stayed up with me while I cried. She Is more than I could ever ask for in a mother! I am grateful for my Dad for all of the fathers blessings he has given me! I look up to him so much! I could never ask for More Loving Parents!!
My sisters and brothers have also been a great help too! Helping me stay busy and my mind clear so I don't go insane! They have done so much for me my whole life! More than I ever deserved!
My friends have been so understanding and kind to me! Kara I love you! You were there for me from the beginning! Libby I love you too! Hang in there! We can get through this together! And to all my other Family and Friends thank you for your support and kindness!! I love you all so very much!
I love you ash!! And you know that i will always always always be there for you!!
We love you and support you in all you do.
Joel, Brooke, and Olivia
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