Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Womens Conference!

So I am leaving tonight to go to Womens Conference at BYU with my sisters and my mom! I am excited to spend some time with just them. Even though it will be for only one of the days since I have to work friday. But kinda nervous cause most of the classes are for parenting and strengthening marriages. Thankfully I did find some classes that are about helping you face challenges and trials in life! Which i think will be perfect for me! But i am very excited!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

I hate people that stare!!!

So last night I went to dinner with my mom and dad and my little brother Brayden at Texas Roadhouse. We had just sat down and all of a sudden I feel these 2 pairs of eyes on me. So I look over and this old couple was just staring at me! So i just ignored them and went back to talking to my family. But all during while we were sitting there they kept staring at me! It was driving me nuts! So i finally leaned over to my mom and told her about it and she looked over and just kinda laughed. Well we carried on and tried to ignore them. When it came time to leaving they were still there STARING AT ME STILL!!! UGH!!!! This time my mom really laughed and said "Wow it's almost ridiculous!" and nodded toward them. I just don't get people sometime! I don't understand what they were staring at me for!!! Some people just bug!!!!!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

I'm going to........

the Taylor Swift Fearless concert!!! I am so excited!!! I am going with my sisters and all my nieces and 2 of my nephews!!!! It is going to be so much fun!!! It's my Birthday present to myself!!!! YAY!!! I gave my other ticket to my niece kalie for her birthday yesterday!! She was so excited!!! It will be fun even though we will all be separated. :'( I am excited to spend some time with my niece kalie and get to know her more! I feel bad cause i got married the day before her birthday and didn't get to spend it with her. So this is to make up for her last 2 Birthdays I missed!

I am excited to hear my song White Horse! My favorite part of the song is:

"And there you are on you knees
Begging for forgivness begging for me
Just like I always wanted but I'm so sorry
Cause I'm not your princess, This ain't a fairytale,
I'm gonna find someone someday who might actually treat me well
This is a big world, That was a small town
There in my rear view mirror disappearing now
And it's too late for you and your white horse
It's too late for you and your white horse to catch me now!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I have decided that she wrote this song about me!! Cause it is exactly how I feel! I first heard this song right after I had left Danny and moved back to my parents house. I was getting ready for the day and this song came on the radio. It brought me to tears because it explains my life almost perfectly.

Monday, April 20, 2009

I love to see the Temple!

I love going to the temple! Nothing gives me more peace than doing a temple session!! I just had my temple recommend interview with my branch president yesterday cause my recommend expires the end of this month. I love the feeling of being worthy to enter the lords house and be able to do his work!!! Today is my 2 year anniversary of receiving my endowments! I cannot believe it! The past 2 years have gone by so fast! I love being back in Utah where no matter where I live I always have a temple close to me! I do need to take more advantage of that though!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Cosmo School!!!!

Okay everyone I am starting school next Tuesday, April 21st!!!!!! My hours are 10AM to 7PM Every Tuesday!!! So anyone that is interested in helping me get my last 150 hours or so done please let me know! You can call the school to schedule an appointment or you can call me!!! A lot of the things I still need to do are facials, pedicures, manicures, perms and a few colors. But I can still do anything you need done!!!! Let me know if you want me to do your hair!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

I'm going back to school!!!!

Yay I can finally go back and finish Cosmetology school!!!!! I talked to my instructor on wednesday and she gave me the ok to go enroll back into school!!! I will be going every Tuesday starting in May I think!!! I am so excited!!! It will only take a few months for me to get finished!!! So if you need your hair done you all know who to come to now!!! I will give you an update on the exact day I am starting as soon as i go enroll next week!!!!