Saturday, May 30, 2009

Wish me Luck!!!!

Ok so last night I was on the internet and I was looking for books for me to read at deseret book and saw that they are holding auditions to sing the national anthem at dodger stadium for "Mormon Night" on August 6th!!! I have always wanted to sing the national anthem at a Major League Baseball game!!! So guess what I am trying out!!! I am so excited!!! It would be so much fun to sing it for "Mormon Night!" especially when they are playing my favorite team that night!!! Go Braves!!! Wahoo!!! So wish me luck and pray for me that I will do well!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Kidney Stones Suck!!!

I hate having kidney stones! They are so painful... I wish they would just go away! I wish I was at home sleeping like I have been the last 2 days instead of being at work!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

I have the bestest friends ever!!!!!

So I just have to tell everyone that I have the bestest friends in the whole world!!!!

Saturday Libby, Cash, and Chanse took me out for my birthday to PF Changs in salt lake! Oh my gosh it was so good! While there they gave me their present and I was seriously almost in tears when i opened it! Lately I have been kinda bummed about my new scriptures I got a little over a year ago. For christmas me and my ex-hubby danny gave each other new scriptures for christmas because they finally came back out with the snap button ones again and I didn't have scriptures with my married name on them so we had that done on my scriptures. Well little did I know that i was gonna get divorced 10 months later. I hated the thought of spending more money on something that i already had that is still brand new!!!!! Well my friends bought me the sameones and put my maiden name on it!!! I am so excited!!!! I used them for the first time yesterday at church! I noticed in sacrament meeting as i was sitting there reading them that they each wrote there own little message in them to me! I had a hard time trying to hide the tears as i read them!

After i opened the best present ever!!! We ate and took lots of fun pictures! When it came time to pay they wouldn't let me help pay for dinner... then chanse took the check and he paid for all of us! Holy crap! That was so sweet of him! If you have ever been to PF Changs you can imagine what the bill would be like for 4 of us! Then we went to the drive in and saw like the last 10 minutes of Star Trek and then saw Monsters vs. Aliens. Funny Movie! They would barely even let me pay for my own Popcorn!

I had a blast with them!!! It was the most fun I have had in such a long time!!! This my fellow bloggers is why I have the Bestest Friends in the whole world! Thank you so so so much Cashena, Libby, and Chance!!!! You guys are the GREATEST!!!!!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Taylor swift concert!!

I am getting really excited for the Taylor swift concert!! I can't wait!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Happy 60th Birthday Dad!!!!!

Yesterday was my dad's 60th Birthday!!! Wow! We went yesterday into his work and surprised him with balloons that said happy 60th!! But someone beat us to it! My brother had put up "look who's turning 60"signs with his picture on it, on the sliding doors as you enter into kents market and all over the wall outside of the pharmacy!! It was awesome!! Happy Birthday Dad!!! I love you!!!

May is such a busy month for our Family! First is was my birthday on the 10th plus mothers day that same day, then it was my dad's birthday on the 13th(yesterday), then my nephews birthday on the 15th, my little brother Braydens seminary graduation on the 17th and high school graduation on the 28th which is also my sister-in-law Brooke's Birthday!!! Wow!!! What a crazy month!!! But hey I get to spend lots of time with the best family I could ever ask for!!!! I couldn't ask for more!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

I hate it......

When our systems at work are down!!! It makes the day suck so bad!!!! Especially when the members get mad at you for it and you have no power over it!!!!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Just thought I would let ya know......

It's my birthday tomorrow!!!!

Tomorrow is also mothers day! I am so grateful for my mom!!!! She has done so much for me and I will never be able to repay her!!! I love her so much!!!

MaKe SUre yOu AlL lEt YouR MomS knOw HoW MucH YoU LovE ThEm!!!!

Happy Mothers Day to all you moms out there!!!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I don't get some people...

Why must some people say things to someone that is hurtful and puts you down just so they can try to be better and more important than you for a moments time? Especially when you are already hurting.

Just because I am home doesn't mean that mom's attention is all on me. She is just helping me get through a hard time in my life. Isn't that what sister's are suppose to do too? Not tear you down more.
(no becky this isn't about you!)

(Sorry I am just venting cause I know she doesn't get on here.)